Views of front gate at Hermitage Views of front gate at Hermitage



Select an image to enlarge and to read the description, as written on the original negative sleeves.
NOTE: The enlarged images contain a watermark and do not appear on the prints.

Umbrella Rock Lookout Mt. Howard M_ Troop six stayed in Cherokee Tourist Camp 1928-002

Park custodian lowering colors at Merriwether Louis Park Hodenwald TENN 1936-011

Dutch wind-mill at Shelby Park - Now burned down 1936-019

Cherokee Norris Dam Trip - 1,112 Miles 1938-082

Norris Dam - Big rock in river sign on it - Near Coal Creek Tenn 1938-084

View of Dutch Wind-mill at Shelby Park - Burned down 1938-163

View of Dutch wind-mill at Shelby Park - Poplar tree - Burned down - Good 1938-164

Asile of cedars at the Hermitage 1938-213

Views of front gate at Hermitage 1939-022

Views of front gate at Hermitage 1939-023

Natural bridge Pickett Forest 1947-069

Natural bridge Pickett Forest 1947-070

Stone tower in river - Shelby Park city pumping station 1949-141

Shelby Park - Old scenes 1953-028


Scene at Fort Negley S-002

Scene at Fort Negley S-006

Scene at Fort Negley S-009